Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Buhid Project started in 2003. Rose Fabrero and Ruth Gato were the first team who were assigned in the project. In 2004 Rose was partnered by Helen Fernandez. For four years, they worked side by side on literacy program and health ministry in Hingin 1 and 2. They also befriended the people in Sitio Alyanon. They were able to established a group of interests whom they give Bible studies in Hingin 2. They have also conducted Sabbath services with the interests. In September 2008, Helen finished her contract and Rose was left behind. New missionaries Analine Torda and Irene Alvarez were sent to the project in 2010. Since they arrival, they became busy with several projects. They started the adult and child literacy program at 3 Sitio’s. They also continued the Bible studies with former Bible students of Rose and Helen. Last September, they started having a regular Sabbath worships in Hingin 2 with the Bible interests. Together with the interests, they planned to build a bigger church than the present meeting place to hold the number of people who are attending. Please pray for the plans this coming year.
 In our mission field, Television is very rare so they are already happy
with the colorful pictures. We take that opportunity to introduce to them 
Bible stories with colorful Bible story books to catch their interest.
We provide Visual Aids and they were very attentive.

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